EDIT: Problem was erroneous use of sed (a shell scripting function) that doubled some lines in my vibspectrum file! Problem was solved by manually removing the lines that were doubled.___________
Original post
Dear TmoleX developers and users,
tl;dr I can't visualize vibrational frequencies in TmoleX.as described in detail in another topic of this forum >>
here <<, for some reason I had to run numerical frequency calculations with Numforce activating RI from non-RI optimized structures. I ran these calculations successfully in a Linux multi-core machine and then imported the results in my windows 7 - 64 bits machine to visualize the results from TmoleX 4.0.1.
To do so, I opened the control file. Then I got this menu:
Then when I clicked on the "Vibrations" button I got this:
As can be seen, no vibrational frequencies are listed. I checked, the file vib_normal_modes exists and is correctly filled.
I tried to unix2dos all files and do the same operation and got the exact same result. This occurs for all molecules, not only a few.
So, if anyone has some track to fix/troubleshoot/solve this problem, this would greatly help me!
Thanks in advance!