it never states it is fully converged even though the energies between iteration no longer change within the set convergence criteria.
You are aware that the energy is not the only convergence criteria?
Look in the statpt part of job.last for a table that looks like the following
Converged? Value Criterion
Energy change yes 0.0000000 0.0000010
RMS of displacement yes 0.0000000 0.0005000
RMS of gradient no 0.0314991 0.0005000
MAX displacement yes 0.0000000 0.0010000
MAX gradient no 0.0771566 0.0010000
The values for energy and gradients are for some reasons additionally written at the end of job.last (there at least with more significant digits)
energy change : actual value = -0.6500E-08 threshold = 0.1000E-05
geom. gradient : actual value = 0.7716E-01 threshold = 0.1000E-02
This should give you a hint why it does not state that it is fully converged. If it is a problem with the gradient you can check its behavior by
grep cycle gradient
In my simple test I could see that the gradient became constant but not close to 0. I'm not sure about the implication of the calculated gradient if an external electric field is implied, therefore I don't know if/how one can get it converged (in my naive picture the external electric field always creates a force on a polar molecule, maybe one can somehow subtract it or so)