My last post might have been a bit confusing.. so I try again
I defined the structure as usual but in the last menu i chose ex -> rpas (and selected a' 1 )
optimized the geometry ( jobex -ri -ex -c 200) and the last line in the energy file looks like:
$energy SCF SCFKIN SCFPOT excitation
33 -645.3836643855 638.622016 -1284.00568 0.1064648732565
When I do the single point ground state ridft calculation for the same structure, I get the same SCF energy - so the energy between ex state and ground state is this exitation enery.
It is about 66 kcal/mol which is close to the numbers in this other article.
Is this correct or am i terribly wrong and should go to the zoo and feed the donkeys???