Dear all,
I'm facing memory problems with ridft_huge, e.g. I've got 4 GB per core, but I want to use more. Physically, the machine holds 64GB for 16 cores, so I'd like to occupy 8 GB per process, using only one half of the cores of the machines. To complicate things a little, this should work with my queueing system. To clarify what I'm talking about, here's an example for Open-MPI:
#PBS -l nodes=128
mpirun -np 64 --bynode exe
I'm asking the queueing system for 128 cores, but I'm using just half of it (mpirun line). The switch "--bynode" causes distribution of the processes on all machines equivalently. So I can access 8GB per process.
Is there something similar for HP-MPI which comes with TURBOMOLE?
Thanks a lot