I have a question concerning construction of RI-C (auxiliary) basis set for
a general case, especially when the main basis has some number of diffuse
functions. By referring to the previous post
http://www.turbo-forum.com/index.php?topic=696.0I would like to ask if there is a "recipe" to construct auxiliary basis sets?
In particular I am interested in an auxiliary (RI-C i.e. for CC2 calculations)
basis set for the following part of the main basis set (for a ghost atom):
1 s
1.00000000 1.0000000000
1 s
0.28571429 1.0000000000
1 s
0.08163265 1.0000000000
1 s
0.02332362 1.0000000000
1 s
0.00666389 1.0000000000
1 s
0.00190397 1.0000000000
1 p
1.00000000 1.0000000000
1 p
0.28571429 1.0000000000
1 p
0.08163265 1.0000000000
1 p
0.02332362 1.0000000000
1 p
0.00666389 1.0000000000
1 p
0.00190397 1.0000000000
1 d
1.00000000 1.0000000000
1 d
0.28571429 1.0000000000
1 d
0.08163265 1.0000000000
1 d
0.02332362 1.0000000000
1 d
0.00666389 1.0000000000
1 d
0.00190397 1.0000000000
I would appreciate very much any help in solving the problem.
Best regards,