when running geometry optimization, optimization is failed. In the statpt.tmpout file, the error is given as follows. I can't understand the meaning of the error. Please help me:
operating system is UNIX !
hostname is st4
statpt(st4) : TURBOMOLE V6.2 11 May 2010 at 13:08:49
Copyright (C) 2010 TURBOMOLE GmbH, Karlsruhe
2012-05-21 23:55:01.363
this is S T A T P T
hessian and coordinate update for
stationary point search
by barbara unterreiner, marek sierka,
and reinhart ahlrichs
quantum chemistry group
universitaet karlsruhe
*************** Stationary point options ******************
Maximum allowed trust radius: 3.000000E-01
Minimum allowed trust radius: 1.000000E-03
Initial trust radius: 1.500000E-01
GDIIS used if gradient norm < 1.000000E-02
Number of previous steps for GDIIS: 5
Hessian update method: BFGS
*** Convergence criteria ***
Threshold for energy change: 1.000000E-06
Threshold for max displacement element: 1.000000E-03
Threshold for max gradient element : 1.000000E-03
Threshold for RMS of displacement: 5.000000E-04
Threshold for RMS of gradient: 5.000000E-04
Number of symmetry restricted degrees of freedom: 507
Constituted by: 3 translational degrees of freedom
3 rotational degrees of freedom
501 internal degrees of freedom
/home/turbo/COSMOlogic10/TURBOMOLE/scripts/jobex: line 477: 28673 Segmentation fault /home/turbo/COSMOlogic10/TURBOMOLE//bin/i786-pc-linux-gnu/statpt