Author Topic: TmoleX_unix-2021_0_1.bin -- installs redundant TmoleX2021 directory?  (Read 9882 times)


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To install both the command-line version of Turbomole and the TmoleX GUI in Linux, I ran the TmoleX_unix-2021_0_1.bin installer. This resulted in a TmoleX2021 directory (in my home directory) that included a TmoleX subdirectory and a TURBOMOLE subdirectory.

However, it also created another directory, "BIOVIA_COSMO-RS_TURBOMOLE" directory in my home directory. Is this the normal, correct way the program should be installed? This BIOVIA directory contains some files and subdirectories not found in the TmoleX2021 directory and vice-versa, but there is also overlap. For example, there are the same template folders in both TmoleX2021 and the BIOVIA directories. Should TmoleX2021 and the BIOVIA directories be consolidated?



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the TmoleX installation is by default designed to be used by different users.
To store all your personal settings and configuration of TmoleX (your job templates, the list of projects you have opened, viewer settings, remote machines, list of DFT functionals you want to have quick access to, ...), a directory named BIOVIA_COSMO-RS_TURBOMOLE is created and used in your home directory.