Hello all,
I have a question about statpt! I'm trying since few weeks to optimize in MP2 (search for the minimum) and I succeed with one of my systems (after memory problems that I solved I think) but once I increased the basis set (from cc-pVTZ till aug-cc-pVTZ) or I added 2 heavier atoms to my system like C and O (not so heavy though) optimization doesn't work. If I look in job.1 that say to me:
Keyword $statpt not found - using default options
*************** Stationary point options ******************
Maximum allowed trust radius: 3.000000E-01
Minimum allowed trust radius: 1.000000E-03
Initial trust radius: 1.500000E-01
GDIIS used if gradient norm < 1.000000E-02
Number of previous steps for GDIIS: 5
Hessian update method: BFGS
*** Convergence criteria ***
Threshold for energy change: 1.000000E-06
Threshold for max displacement element: 1.000000E-03
Threshold for max gradient element : 1.000000E-03
Threshold for RMS of displacement: 5.000000E-04
Threshold for RMS of gradient: 5.000000E-04
<getgrd> : data group $grad is missing
MODTRACE: no modules on stack
error reading energy and gradient in rdcor
statpt ended abnormally
statpt step ended abnormally
next step = statpt
But if I look in my control file, there is a keyword statpt and $grad
And my job.last file says:
fine, there is no data group "$actual step"
script actual: unknown actual step statistics run for mpgrad
next step = unknownMy procedure is the following: dscf / mp2prep / stati mpgrad / mpgrad / stati mpgrad / jobex -level mp2
I read the doc and tutorial and I have to confess that I had no more ideas!
I hope that somebody could answer or get me ideas to continue my work