I got one question that is hopefully not too stupid.

On our cluster we managed to get TM running in parallel, using "ridft_mpi" instead of "ridft".
Geometry optimizations with "jobex" run just fine, but how do I get aoforce to run in parallel (on 2 cpus)?
"nohup aoforce > force.out &" --> aoforce running fine, but on one cpu
"nohup aoforce -np2 > force.out &" --> still one cpu (jobex runs fine with the -np command, why not aoforce)
"nohup aoforce -n 2 > force.out &" --> same
"nohup aoforce_mpi -np 2 > force.out" --> "nohup: cannot run command `aoforce_mpi': Permission denied" is what i get
I'm probably just stupid, can you help me?

Thanks a lot in advance!