Author Topic: Script to run NumForce in parallel  (Read 10013 times)


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Script to run NumForce in parallel
« on: March 08, 2010, 04:59:41 PM »
Hi, I am trying to do NumForce calculations in parallel for one of the optimized excited state at RICC2/TZVP level of theory.

Here is the script I used to run the job using single node/single processor.

Serial Job
#PBS -l walltime=336:00:00
#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=1
#PBS -N ExFreq
#PBS -S /bin/ksh
#PBS -j oe
cp $HOME/excited/freq/* $TMPDIR
module load turbomole-6.0.0
NumForce -level cc2 -central > force.out
cp -rf * $HOME/excited/freq/

But the job did not complete in 336 hours. So I read online, that I can run this job in parallel.
Here is the script I used, but it did not run currectly,

Parallel script
#PBS -l walltime=336:00:00
#PBS -l nodes=2:ppn=4
#PBS -N ExFreqPara
#PBS -S /bin/ksh
#PBS -j oe
cp $HOME/excited/freq/para/* $TMPDIR
module load turbomole-parallel-6.0.0
NumForce -level cc2 -central > force.out
cp -rf * $HOME/excited/freq/para/

Would you please let me know if I need to load some MPI library or add a flag such as "-np 8" with NumForce?


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Re: Script to run NumForce in parallel
« Reply #1 on: March 11, 2010, 08:30:29 PM »

NumForce runs a series of analytical gradient calculation in order to derive the Hessian numerically. Hence, a trivial
parallelization is possible. This is much easier and more efficient then using MPI binaries for each step.
Pease use the '-mfile' option to speed up the calculation.
