I made a couple of SCS-CC2 calculations with NumForce (I know, expensive, but it was necessary). In principle it works now, but in 1 calculation I have an imaginary frequency, which makes to us no sense. Normally (to my knowledge) I should either change my structure a little bit, optimise it again to get a different extremum, and aplly NumForce. AND/OR I switch off symmetry to provide a former forbidden relaxation path along the imaginary frequency.
OK, I don't have symmetry, and if I visualize the imaginary frequency it is mainly 1 atom, which moves. Therefore we decided to simply delete all calculated points in /KRAFTWERK and start NumForce again, because recalculating everything would be very expensive. This is what happened: He didn't recalculate the missing points. It simply assumed they were there, calculating nothing and giving me the same output as I had before. Then I deleted all files in the /numforce directory but kept /KRAFTWERK. Still no result, but this time the output told me, that I have no points at all:
"step xm01 started (#1 of )
ls: lockhost.*: No such file or directory"
Any ideas?
Thank you in advance