Recently, I began use Turbomole for vertical excitation calculations. Upon comparison of obtained results with the data obtained from Gaussian 03 calculations, I find out that energies and transitions oscillator strengths are matched very well, but dominant contributions are not matched, especially in percentage ratio.
As an example, I show the results for the 4th singlet excitation of nitrobenzene.
Gaussian 03 (TD-B3LYP//cc-pVTZ):
Excited State 4: Singlet-A' 4.8623 eV 254.99 nm f=0.1961
31 -> 33 0.64665
32 -> 34 -0.12661
Turbomole 5.10 (TD-b3lyp_Gaussian//cc-pVTZ):
4 singlet a excitation
Excitation energy / ev: 4.8637
Oscillator strength:
Mixed representation: 0.1968
Dominant contributions:
Occ. orbital energy/ev virt.orbital energy/ev |coeff.| ^2*100
31a -7.98 33 a -2.67 95.2
Do you have any ideas why this might be the case?