the results for th triplet state of water look quite good too me: the structural parameter are as good as you can expect from DFT. The energies are usually less accurate. Moreover, B3LYP often favours states of higher spin (due to the HF exchange contribution) which fits well with your results. So I would not worry too much about that -- 0.5 eV is not small, but the singlet-triplet energy differences are often a problem for DFT.
When going to a subgroup, you have to make sure that you are calculating the same state again, which is not always trivial. b1 and b2 irreps of C2v reduce both to the b representation of C2 point group, thus you will get both b1 and b2 excitations if "b" is specified. Usually, you can assign the excitations to "b1" or "b2" by comparing the energies which the C2v vertical excitations calculation. Also, one of the irreps, say b1, will have a nonvanishing transition dipole moment in the x direction, the other in the y direction.