Author Topic: help needed  (Read 18048 times)


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help needed
« on: December 05, 2008, 12:58:05 AM »
hi all  :(

can any body give me turbomole software for free  :-[. i used turbomole  3 years ago while i was on job. now i have left job and no access to turbomole. the problem is that i have some work left on my project and therefor in problem of how to use turbomole. i requested turbomole resellers but they refused me  >:(. i want to use turbomole only for non-profit use and only in my pc at home. If anybody helps me i can finsih my research work. I donot have the money to buy program as i live in a poor country. if anybody like to help please send me the program to or upload it to rapidshare/megaupload online file sharing service.
I will be greatly thankful for ur help.

if thurbomole owners read this message pls do not mind it  ;). u cannot disagree with my arguement that turbomole was made out of free research grants given to the developers of turbomole in universities. Now they are selling this software which they made not from their own pocket. turbomole should be free for non-profit use  :).

hope this helps.
best regards,
cumputerman. :-*


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Re: help needed
« Reply #1 on: December 05, 2008, 02:33:33 PM »

So, first of all if you write such a text here you should provide more information on your person. How can we even discuss this topic if your email is ""? It is just not serious, why are you afraid to give you true identity?

But to clarify the issue we would like to state the following. TURBOMOLE was initially developed in the group of Prof. Dr. Reinhart Ahlrichs at the University of Karlsruhe and at the Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe. Until 2007 the main development of the program was conducted by students and postdoctoral researches in the group of Ahlrichs, who usually changed their field of work after leaving the group. Therefore, the code was well localized at and, consequently, owned by the University of Karlsruhe. However, in the last years the situation has changed. Reinhart Ahlrichs is retired now and several people, who started their work with TURBOMOLE in Karlsruhe, still make significant contributions and feel responsible for the program, but do no longer reside in Karlsruhe. It was thus necessary to arrange the development of TURBOMOLE in a different manner, namely as a company. In 2007, the TURBOMOLE GmbH (Ltd) was founded by the main developers of the program: R. Ahlrichs, F. Furche, C. Hättig, W. Klopper, M. Sierka and F. Weigend. The company took over the responsibility for the coordination of the scientific development of the program, to which it holds all copy and intellectual property rights.

It has to be stressed that virtually all revenues of the company are spent exclusively on the further program development.
All researchers interested in TURBOMOLE development can submit project proposals to the company. The proposals are reviewed by the founding members of TURBOMOLE GmbH. Upon acceptance of the project a cooperation agreement is made between the TURBOMOLE GmbH and the research institution of the developer and you obtain access to the source code of TURBOMOLE.

Best Wishes

Members of TURBOMOLE GmbH


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Re: help needed
« Reply #2 on: December 05, 2008, 07:45:26 PM »
Hi  :)
Thanks for your reply. I am not afraid, but actually felt somewhat embarrassed while requesting free  :P access to proprietary software. Yesterday, I was trying to figure out my calculations  i did 3 years ago using turbomole but did not remember some points  :( Thats why i was in urgent need of access to turbomole so that i redo my calculations with turbomole. demo version only allows atoms between 50-60 but my molecule has different set of atoms  :o So, what should I have done  ::) just made an account on this forum and asked turbomole users who have this software but no body seems to feel the problem i face as no body has replied except u. Imagine, A scientist get an idea about the force of gravity by sitting and observing a falling apple from the tree, but think if that apple cost 1000 dollars at that time,  and no body was able to see it without paying 1000 dolars, than at present time we may not have great advances in science. As you have accepted that turbomole was made by postdocs and professors in the university and that work is mostly financed by govt agencies and universities grants, during the major part of turbomole development. So, I think the turbomole license should be re-accessed. In my view turbomole owners/developers should take a LARGE SUM OF PRICE from industries and commercial organizations, a minimal price from non-profit university research groups and fee waiver to individuals/universities of developing countries  :). I do not know the price of turbomole but i think it may cost above 500 dollars. even the universities in my country will think 2 times before buying this software. Here i will give an example of amber software (ucsf). thats a molecular mechanics software, cost aboout 20,000 usd to industries, only 400 usd to universities and I get this software for free after the developers of amber waive the fee because i am from a developing country. So, they give me their software for free which they sell it for 20,000 usd. Thats a quite  large amount of money.
About my id, I hoipe this is enough to tell that i am a potential turbomole user  ;) I tried to get this software on file sharing software but did not find anywehere, may be because u give a node locked license. Any way, i promise if i ever get hold of turbomole I will not put it on free file sharing services but I will tell people to talk with turbomole developers  ;)

If this forum is not the place to discuss these issues Pls tell me I will stop posting further messages.

Thanks again for writing to my post.
old turbomole user.