Installation and usage of TURBOMOLE > TMOLE Script

Multidimensional scan tmole


Is there a way to get a multidimensional scan w. the current version of the script tmole?

 I mean something like:
h   1   d1
h   1   d2  2 a1

d1  0.96
d2  0.96
a1  104.0

parameters to scan:

d1    0.96   0.1     1.0
a1   104.0   0.5  107.0

Thanks in advance.


I am also interested in doing multidimensional scans in tmole.  I have tried to do one in TmoleXClient V3.01 but it does not work.  All of the input files are generated but the geometry optimizations fail before the first single point calculation has completed.  Is there a problem with using more than one fixed internal coordinate?


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