When I compute excited states (rpa) usually I have the following
most relevant settings:
functional b3-lyp
gridsize m4 \*My system has more than 70 atoms*\
$scfconv 7
$denconv 1d-7
a 5
$rpacor 15000
dscf > dscf.out && escf > escf.out &
My questions are:
1) do I have to worry about the "NOTE" message on the mgrid
option I always see in the escf.out file?
2) how does the code work? Does it try to converge the requested
roots twice?
<get> : LAST BUFFER REACHED --> switching to 'direct' mode !
read in (= 64) + newbuffer > max (= 64)
13 a 5 9.766471718504769D-06
Switching to fine grid
preparing numerical integration ....
Overall gridpoints after grid construction = 742954
Calculating ground state density on molecular grid
Integral of ground state density: N = 364.0000318735833
Iteration IRREP Converged Max. Euclidean
roots residual norm
<get> : LAST BUFFER REACHED --> switching to 'direct' mode !
read in (= 64) + newbuffer > max (= 64)
14 a 0 5.207066891872824D-05
NOTE: Residual norms are larger than 1.00D-05 due to mgrid option!
Eigenpairs written on logfile sing_a