all groups or institutions who have purchased Turbomole have named a person to be responsible for Turbomole at their sites - we call that the 'Turbomole Administrator'. All Administrators are getting emails with news, bugs and fixes, release notes, etc. of Turbomole, and they are also the ones who install and test Turbomole. So if you did install Turbomole yourself, you are either such a Turbomole Administrator or you did get the installation files from him/her.
The contact details for the Turbomole Support are given in the license agreement, on our web site (
www.cosmologic.de -> Turbomole -> Contact), from the README file in your Turbomole installation directory, or from the documentation (first side of chapter 1).
Please note that this Forum is
not the Turbomole Support. It was thought as a platform for users to exchange experiences, but also for the developers to get more and direct feedback from the users. Support and Forum are of course complementary and the 'overlap' is everything but negligible
