Author Topic: escf module: "Switching to fine grid"  (Read 8404 times)

Matteo Guglielmi

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escf module: "Switching to fine grid"
« on: May 22, 2008, 07:40:54 PM »
When I compute excited states (rpa) usually I have the following
most relevant settings:

Code: [Select]
   functional b3-lyp
   gridsize   m4   \*My system has more than 70 atoms*\
$scfconv   7
$denconv 1d-7
 a           5
$rpacor  15000

dscf > dscf.out && escf > escf.out &

My questions are:

1) do I have to worry about the "NOTE" message on the mgrid
option I always see in the escf.out file?

2) how does the code work?  Does it try to converge the requested
roots twice?
Code: [Select]
 <get> : LAST BUFFER REACHED --> switching to 'direct' mode !
 read in  (=     64) + newbuffer  >  max (=     64)
   13       a        5        9.766471718504769D-06


 Switching to fine grid

 preparing numerical integration ....
          Overall gridpoints after grid construction =        742954

 Calculating ground state density on molecular grid

 Integral of ground state density: N =   364.0000318735833

 Iteration IRREP Converged      Max. Euclidean
                 roots          residual norm

 <get> : LAST BUFFER REACHED --> switching to 'direct' mode !
 read in  (=     64) + newbuffer  >  max (=     64)
   14       a        0        5.207066891872824D-05

 NOTE: Residual norms are larger than 1.00D-05 due to mgrid option!

 Eigenpairs written on logfile sing_a



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Re: escf module: "Switching to fine grid"
« Reply #1 on: June 02, 2008, 06:11:01 PM »
With the m grids (multiple grids) the SCF and response equations are always solved in a coarse grid and after convergence improved energies are evaluated in a finer grid.
