there are not basis sets in the basis set library that are fitted to ECP-18, def-TZVP is an all-electron basis set, and ecp-10-mdf is the only basis set for ecp-10-mdf (relativistic Ti-ECP(MEFIT,R), Q=12, see $TURBODIR/basen/ti).
You can assign any ecp to any basis set, no matter if that is reasonable or not. In define, assign a basis set like usual. Then call
ecp "ti"and you will be asked for the name of the ECP. This is very similar to the
b "ti" command in the same define menu.
If you do not know exactly the name of the ECP, just enter
here, and define will search the library for ECPs of Ti. Just say
as soon as define shows the ECP you would like to use.
to get a list of assigend ECPs:
list of effective core potentials defined yet
no. | nickname
1 | ti ecp-18-mhf
Warning: The extended Hückel guess will not work any more since data for that step is only available for all-electron and ECP-10 basis sets!