using the gradient option in the $response keyword will not cause ricc2 to write energy and gradients to the control file (or the energy and gradient file). See documentation for $response and the option gradient:
In difference to the geoopt keyword in the data group $ricc2 this can be used to compute gradients
for several methods within a loop over models; but gradients and energies
will not be written to the data groups $grad and $energy as needed for geometry optimizations.
Chapter 24, keywords for module ricc2.
So instead of asking for the gradient in $response, use the same keywords as for a geometry optimization:
geoopt model=mp2
geoopt model=cc2
for ground state MP2 or CC2 resp.
If you run dscf and ricc2, you will get the single-point energy and gradient of the coordinates as defined in the coord file.