Author Topic: SOC Constants  (Read 2618 times)


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SOC Constants
« on: October 29, 2024, 03:32:58 PM »
Is there a way to get Turbomole to output all the state-to-state Spin-Orbit Coupling constants when doing an X2C calculation in ESCF?  I've tried using the proper program "proper -> mos -> socme", but I get the following error:

 SOCME elements may make sense with magnetic fields in soghf case
 but the needed integrals are not yet available :( sorry, have to stop.

 internal module stack:

 SOC element calculation not supported with soghf keyword
 proper ended abnormally
 proper ended abnormally
program stopped.

I assume I'm either doing something wrong, or it's just not a feature of Turbomole yet.  Does anyone know? It seems odd that it's not a feature as technically speaking Turbomole can calculate TDM vectors, which are SOC weighted sums of various ground state and excited state transitions.