I believe that I have found a bug in TurboMole's proper module/program, but I couldn't find a bug tracker, so I am reporting this here.
I have performed a RI-DFT single-point calculation (enabling MARIJ, in case that is relevant). After this calculation has finished, I used the proper command line tool to export the spin density on a grid. For that I started proper, entered the "grid" submenu, changed the "format" to "cub" and then used "dens" to let the program export the electron and spin density on a grid into a cube file.
However, when I then try to plot the spin-density (using either VMD or JMol), I find that the spin density is only exported for about half of my molecule.
Visualizing the cube file in VMD while also plotting the box within which data points exist in the cube file, yields what I have attached to my post. As can be seen, the data box is misaligned relative to the molecule such that most points that were sampled aren't actually of interest and half of my molecule is not contained in the box (and therefore has no data points) as a consequence of this misalignment.
Re-inspecting the output of proper however would suggest that things should work just fine. The molecular geometry that it displays reads
| Atomic coordinate, charge and isotop information |
atomic coordinates atom charge isotop
2.90894162 -0.11444406 -0.59222120 c 6.000 0
1.71438767 -2.46414161 -0.48660457 n 7.000 0
1.25618375 1.93835405 -0.64621419 n 7.000 0
5.16253771 0.12971184 -0.56595414 o 8.000 0
3.16145668 -4.72183170 -0.28818730 c 6.000 0
-0.77891905 -2.72431791 -0.10507802 n 7.000 0
2.19055686 4.36614122 0.06343996 c 6.000 0
-1.29115975 1.64109605 -0.85023552 n 7.000 0
2.37068374 -6.57343311 1.39525318 c 6.000 0
5.28275658 -5.09416900 -1.78810024 c 6.000 0
-2.15436346 -0.70601485 -0.34912284 c 6.000 0
1.01003152 5.61720770 2.03968494 c 6.000 0
4.23226359 5.42193197 -1.18881980 c 6.000 0
0.71068099 -6.24733390 2.54235493 h 1.000 0
3.71677192 -8.80781359 1.58012658 c 6.000 0
6.61347088 -7.33739016 -1.58013691 c 6.000 0
5.88821220 -3.64686487 -3.09372009 h 1.000 0
-4.89634347 -0.91134061 -0.08781242 c 6.000 0
-0.59169394 4.76386365 2.98390085 h 1.000 0
1.86999415 7.98099441 2.74882152 c 6.000 0
5.08569312 7.77769051 -0.44991143 c 6.000 0
5.10566159 4.42791334 -2.74249510 h 1.000 0
3.10457001 -10.24590244 2.90291209 h 1.000 0
5.84283849 -9.19722821 0.09807200 c 6.000 0
8.26692397 -7.63034308 -2.75118955 h 1.000 0
-6.16792696 1.23666245 -0.56382097 n 7.000 0
-6.10786827 -3.11279744 0.63371595 c 6.000 0
0.93967664 8.97995421 4.27374818 h 1.000 0
3.90489497 9.06508575 1.50571608 c 6.000 0
6.66452526 8.62904451 -1.43599403 h 1.000 0
6.89736639 -10.94542833 0.25069513 h 1.000 0
-8.67724751 1.27268804 -0.30321395 c 6.000 0
-4.99099787 -4.79314998 0.95856320 h 1.000 0
-8.70581249 -3.07848796 0.90701709 c 6.000 0
4.56859484 10.92248625 2.05512564 h 1.000 0
-9.57313371 3.05689816 -0.75498730 h 1.000 0
-10.00182994 -0.84973638 0.44054951 c 6.000 0
-9.70784250 -4.77089188 1.47373544 h 1.000 0
-12.03475134 -0.73933300 0.63211694 h 1.000 0
-3.98961953 4.07921260 -1.94968922 pt 78.000 0
-1.42648978 6.96182723 -3.83357192 cl 17.000 0
-7.37367559 6.44363012 -3.07846852 cl 17.000 0
center of nuclear mass : -1.65616936 1.93736147 -1.02091547
center of nuclear charge: -1.43192843 1.70404895 -0.90695322
and inside the "grid" settings, it displays
current settings:
calculation at a grid of 142* 149* 81 points
origin at 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
normalised grid vectors:
x y z
1. vector: 1.00000 0.00000 0.00000
2. vector: 0.00000 1.00000 0.00000
3. vector: 0.00000 0.00000 1.00000
minimum increment maximum
1. vector: -16.03475 0.20072 12.26692
2. vector: -14.94543 0.20181 14.92249
3. vector: -7.83357 0.20134 8.27375
if one cross-references this with the displayed molecular geometry, things seem to match as all x-coordinates of my atoms lie in the range [-16, 12], all y-coordinates within [-14, 14] and all z-coordinates within [-7, 8]. So based on what is displayed there, all should match up.
And yet in the output, we can see that somehow the coordinates have been mixed up as there clearly the x-direction covers the smallest range of values, while in proper's output that was the z-direction.
My guess here would be that somewhere within (the grid module of) proper there are different conventions about how to label/order the coordinates and that causes the output to be wrong, even though the input seems fine.