Hi Jakub,
Guess this can be done easier using ridft -proper (-proper circumvents a rerun of the complete SCF procedure) directly on the 2c spinors, without modifying them. For example, to plot spinor 26, just add
$pointval mo 26
to the control file, and then execute
ridft -proper
This will properly generate spinor plots (despite the standard "mo" keyword), and yield 5 files:
26a_1.plt ! Re part, alpha spinor
26a_2.plt ! Im part, alpha spinor
26a_3.plt ! Re part, beta spinor
26a_4.plt ! Im part, beta spinor
26a_d.plt ! total density
Maybe this includes what you want. Sometimes these files are not generated, because the content would be low. In this case, ridft emits "not created because of low content". Using a lower threshold can then force-print them. For example:
$pointval mo 26 minco 1.d-6
Hope this helps

All the best,