I have a particle that has Td symmetry but for which I calculate the quasiparticle spectrum using G0W0/evGW using just D2 symmetry because of the restriction to Abellian symmetry.
When I calculate the quasiparticle spectrum with G0W0 and evGW using analytic continuation (or using the spectral representation for smaller but similar particles) and in the case of G0W0 also when using contour deformation, the quasiparticle spectrum displays the expected symmetry, i.e. the B1, B2 and B3 states corresponding to what would be the T1/T2 states when using Td symmetry show the expected degeneracy. However, when performing evGW calculations using contour deformation, using the setup below, after a couple of evGW iterations the degeneracy gets broken and the quasiparticle states, which should be degenerate now can differ by up to a coupe of tenths of electronvolt. I assume this symmetry breaking is spurious but I'm not sure what to do to get round it and would be very happy to receive advise about how to fix it. Currently trying a larger qpeiter value (20 instead of 10) but until now the main effect is just slowing the calculation down.
Thanks in advance,
mxdiis 8
eta 0.00100000
qpeiter 20
contour start=110 end=114 irrep=1 ! a
contour start=110 end=114 irrep=2 ! b1
contour start=110 end=114 irrep=3 ! b2
contour start=110 end=114 irrep=4 ! b3