Hi, I am beginner of Turbomole.
could you please tell me how to calculate jobbsse with rimp2 ?
To calculate BSSE by countepoise with rimp2 on Turbomole,
Should I calculate (1) dscf , then (2) rimp2 ?
I calculated directly rimp2 with bsse. Because jobbsse has scf, not dscf. ( jobbsse -h, then found scf. not dscf.)
What I have done was as follows;
define, a coord, desy, ired, frag on, b all def2-TZVP, eht.
Then, at the command line,
jobbsse -setup
. Then ghost atoms were appeared.
So, at the jobscript,
jobbsse -ri -level -mp2 > jobex.out
Then the error was occurred.
use the command 'actual -r' to get rid of that
internal module stack:
Could you please tell me how to solve this problem ?
Thank you very much in advance.