yes, if you use Turbomole 7.4.1, just set:
export TM_PAR_OMP=yes
source $TURBODIR/Config_turbo_env
This will invoke the OpenMP version of ridft which is able to use arbitrary functionals and combinations of functionals from XCFun or libxc in the parallel SMP version.
For older versions of Turbomole you can set
export TM_PAR_FORK=yes
Note for other readers: To use the 'usual' M06-2X functional, it is sufficient to set:
functional m06-2x
This will also work with the default parallel ridft version.
The input
functional xcfun set-mgga
functional xcfun m06x2x 1.0
functional xcfun set-hybrid 0.2
includes only the exchange part of M06-2X and adds 20% exact HF exchange to it. This is not M06-2X as the correlation part is missing and the HF exchange for this functional is 54%.
Just to avoid any misunderstandings for those who read this post, searching for a way to use M06-2X in Turbomole...