Dear Colleagues,
I have faced a weird problem calculating Hessian with the numforce module (we have TURBOMOLE V5-7-1).
I need a Hessian for the transition search optimization, of course the starting guess geometry is not a stationary point.
The message in the numforce.out states:
gradient norm : 0.13390370E-01
No stationary point of energy, therefore no 2nd derivatives, ...!''''
To tackle this problem I reduced convergence criteria in the control as well as in the run script files according to
itrvec 0
threchange 1.000000E-02''''
(control file) and
"""jobex -ex -energy 2 -gcart 0 -c 1 -keep > jobex.out
NumForce -ex 1 -level rpa -central > numforce.out'''''
(run script).
However, the result was zero (the message is just given above).
Any ideas how to force TM to calculate Hessian on unoptimized structures?
Kind regards,