Author Topic: GUI and usability  (Read 11065 times)


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GUI and usability
« on: December 08, 2016, 11:51:24 AM »
I come with a few questions concerning GUI and usability. I hope someone can help me. I have installed version 4.1 (25/06/2015).

Saving Settings:
1) When I visualise completed calculations in the 3D builder and want to save the images to disc the save dialog window does not seem to remember the last opened folder, the last used file format nor the last used pixel size. The same goes for the displayed spectra, TmoleX won't remember the font settings I choose. Where can I set these parameters so I don't have to do the time-consuming sisyphus work each and every time?

Project List:
2) I have notice that I can neither rename projects *, change their order in the project list, move jobs from one project to another nor change the job's individual order within a project. Is this feature available? If so, where can I enable it? If not, can it be implemented into the next release?

* When I right-click on the project name the only renaming options that pops up is "rename this job".
« Last Edit: January 17, 2017, 03:31:58 PM by drTCPC »


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Re: GUI and usability
« Reply #1 on: February 20, 2018, 11:48:33 AM »

almost all issues are now solved or enabled in newer TmoleX versions. The graphical user interface TmoleX is available free of charge directly from the COSMOlogic web site (see TmoleX-client download for Windows, Linux and MacOS). So please try it.