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Dear all,
the problem solved by using the lates version of NBO7 in Gaussian16 as pop=nbo7.

The above result of larger negative charge was calculated using pop=nbo, in which NBO version 3 is used in the Gaussian.

Escf and Egrad / SOC Constants
« Last post by hherbol on October 29, 2024, 03:32:58 PM »
Is there a way to get Turbomole to output all the state-to-state Spin-Orbit Coupling constants when doing an X2C calculation in ESCF?  I've tried using the proper program "proper -> mos -> socme", but I get the following error:

 SOCME elements may make sense with magnetic fields in soghf case
 but the needed integrals are not yet available :( sorry, have to stop.

 internal module stack:

 SOC element calculation not supported with soghf keyword
 proper ended abnormally
 proper ended abnormally
program stopped.

I assume I'm either doing something wrong, or it's just not a feature of Turbomole yet.  Does anyone know? It seems odd that it's not a feature as technically speaking Turbomole can calculate TDM vectors, which are SOC weighted sums of various ground state and excited state transitions.
Dear all,

I'm calculating [IrAu12]3+ cluster under Ih symmetry, where Ir is at the center of Icosahedral Au12. I use B3LYP_Gaussian/def-SV(P) level to optimize and get natural charges, but there are large difference between TURBOMOLE 7.8 result and Gaussian16 result.

Turbomole generate the charge of Ir about -1.5, while G16 generates -3.0. Mulliken population analysis shows similar results in which Ir has negative charge of about -4.5.

I tested with and without RI approx and def vs def2 basis sets, but still Turbomole gives the Ir charge of about -1.5.

I'm just wondering how should I take these differences. Is it known trend or any chance of bug in either program?

Thanks in advance.
Escf and Egrad / NTO Generation of X2C Calculations
« Last post by hherbol on October 28, 2024, 09:19:21 PM »
I'm trying to make Natural Transition Orbitals (NTOs) of some molecules in Turbomole; however, it appears that a lot of the resulting files are undocumented in the Turbomole manual (same with the workflow).

Currently I'm doing it as follows:

1. Run an RIDFT calculation using X2C on
2. Run an ESCF calculation with X2C on
3. Use the "proper" program to generate the NTOs (proper -> mos -> dftnto -> choice of excitation -> choice of NTO definition)
4. Adding "$pointval nto 1-6 fmt=cub" to the control file and running "ridft -proper"

Now, three issues I have is that first off, the resulting NTO files are labelled in an interesting fashion that I can't understand.  For example, the hole for the first NTO (nto_occ*) output the following files:


I believe from the manual where they outline how X2C mos are output these are:
  *_1 = Real part of the alpha spinor
  *_2 = Imaginary part of the alpha spinor
  *_3 = Real part of the beta spinor
  *_4 = Imaginary part of the beta spinor
  *_d = Total Density

Secondly, the NTO definitions aren't elaborated on in the documentation, so I don't really understand the intricacies of them:

    renormalized excitation   part (XX)       (1)
    excitation + deexcitation part (X+Y)(X+Y) (2)
    renormalized deexcitation part (YY)       (3)
    excitation + deexcitation part (XX)+(YY)  (4)

Thirdly, I don't understand why options (3) and (4) of the NTO definitions only exists when I do X2C calculations (when I did a closed shell calculation without X2C I only see options (1) and (2)).

I'm trying to optimize a large system with near-linear dependency. I can manage to converge the SCF procedure (ridft) using the $canonorth 1.d-6 keyword, but I get an error at the start of the rdgrad:
reading orbital data $scfmo  from file mos
 orbital characterization : scfconv=7
  Deviation of MOs from orthonormality   0.999999999999999     

 internal module stack:

  that is too much
 rdgrad ended abnormally
error in gradient step (1)

I would be grateful for any kind of advice how to solve this issue.

Best regards,
Dávid P. Jelenfi
TmoleX - general topics / Re: TmoleX2024 - Generate MOs - error
« Last post by basiuk on October 17, 2024, 11:37:45 PM »
Thank you very much Uwe!
TmoleX - general topics / Re: TmoleX2024 - Generate MOs - error
« Last post by uwe on October 17, 2024, 10:13:35 PM »

I'll put in a ticket for you.

Best, Uwe
TmoleX - general topics / Re: TmoleX2024 - Generate MOs - error
« Last post by basiuk on October 17, 2024, 09:45:58 PM »
Thank you very much Uwe,

So, what can I do? How to contact BIOVIA?

Actually, I purchased the Turbomole license directly from TURBOMOLE GmbH, not from BIOVIA...

With best wishes,
TmoleX - general topics / Re: TmoleX2024 - Generate MOs - error
« Last post by uwe on October 17, 2024, 09:24:38 PM »

ah, sorry, I misunderstood! Actually if you try an all-electron basis set it will work (at least it does for me, that's also the reason why I thought it did not occur when clicking the big red "Generate MOs" button). 

And yes, now I can reproduce the error. The error message is not printed to the log file, but to the error.log of TmoleX itself. 

It is a Java bug and needs to be fixed by BIOVIA.

Best, Uwe
TmoleX - general topics / Re: TmoleX2024 - Generate MOs - error
« Last post by basiuk on October 17, 2024, 09:04:49 PM »
Dear Uwe,

It seems I failed to explained well.

I am just starting the project, define the "Atomic attributes" (the element is Lu and the basis set is def2-SPV), go to "Molecular attributes", press the button "Generate MOs" - and get the error message!

NO JOB WHATSOEVER!!! NO CALCULATIONS WHATSOEVER!!! I cannot get to that point!!!

I would think, checking that by yourself would take less time than writing a message... If you wish, of course...

With best wishes,

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