Installation and usage of TURBOMOLE > Installing the Program

problem when testing jobex


My pc is P4 2.8G with FC5.    sysname is i786-pc-linux-gnu
I installed the TURBOMOLE just following the installation instrction.

$TURBODIR is set correctly?                         yes
$PATH includes $TURBODIR/scripts?              yes
Is perl installed on your system?                    yes    v5.8.8
Is /bin/ksh installed on your system, and not just a link or a copy of /bin/bash?          yes
$PATH includes the current working directory (.)?                                                 yes
Does the $TURBODIR/scripts/sysname script work ?                                               yes
Do you have write permissions in $TURBODIR/TURBOTEST and all subdirectories ?      yes

I can pass all the TESTs except jobex, and I find the following words in the output.test file

convgrep will be taken out of the TURBODIR directory
FORTRAN STOP ridft ended normally

Input/Output Error 137: Value not recognized

Can anyone tell me what is the problem is and how can I fix this?


we had previously some problems with FC5 and Turbomole. At least the 'tail' binary was not working as Turbomole expected, and this caused some scripts like t2x to fail. But I don't know if our and your problems could be related. So, an OS upgrade could be a last resort.

I change other OS, and it runs well.


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