Installation and usage of TURBOMOLE > Installing the Program

no TTEST script


Dear all,

I am trying to install the latest version (TURBOMOLE_6.0.2n) on Rocks 5.1 cluster with 3 compute nodes. I don;t quite understand: is there any compilation involved? I downloaded, unpacked, set the environmental variables, also

[root@mr9540 scripts]# ./sysname

so it's good. But what do I do next, if there is no compilation involved? I wanted to do $TURBODIR/TURBOTEST and then call TTEST but there is no TTEST script in that folder.

Also, there is no need in configure MPI at all?

Finally, after testing is done, how do I submit it using PBS? Should I create input file with TMolex, save it and then submit it to PBS?



solved it with the help of Uwe. permissions need to be set together with the environmental variables from manual


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