TURBOMOLE Modules > Treatment of Solvation Effects with COSMO

Parameterisation in COSMOtherm



I just created a .cosmo file of my molecule using B97-3c/def2-mTZVP QM level using TMoleX.

Given that these settings are not in line with the recommended / given parameterisations of COSMOtherm, would it be possible to create a .ctd file with my parameters please? What can be done in such cases?



COSMOtherm parametrization is done by the COSMOtherm developers, so you could contact the support of this software.

But the quality of COSMO-RS will most likely not be very different to the default parametrizations COSMOtherm provides.
What property are you interested in? For example for reactions it is recommended to use higher-level methods (of whatever kind) for the gas phase and COSMO-RS just to close the thermodynamic cycle (from gas phase to solution and back). See e.g. https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acs.joc.1c00119


Thanks for the information.

My objectives are mainly solubility and co-crystal prediction. I used B97-3c/def2-mTZVP QM level because I need to repeat this process on a relative large number of molecules.


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