Author Topic: TURBOMOLE Users Meet Developers, 20 - 22 September 2018 in Jena, Germany  (Read 7963 times)


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Fast and Robust Quantum Chemistry
TURBOMOLE Users Meet Developers
20 - 22 September 2018 in Jena, Germany

We are pleased to announce the Turbomole users and developers meeting “Fast and Robust Quantum Chemistry”, which will be held in Germany, at the Friedrich Schiller University of Jena, from September 20 to 22, 2018.

This meeting will bring together the community of Turbomole developers and users to highlight selected applications demonstrating new features and capabilities of the code, present new theoretical developments, identify new user needs, and discuss future directions.

Hands-on sessions will cover the most important methods available in Turbomole with emphasis on new approaches and features which make Turbomole applicable to an ever widening spectrum of research applications.

The meeting will start on September 20 with registration (starting 4:00 pm) and a Welcome Diner (starting 7:00 pm). The end of the meeting is planned about 2:00 pm on September 22.
The meeting will include five presentations (30 minutes) given by the main developers of Turbomole. In addition, there will be 15 talks (20 minutes including discussion) invited or selected from the contributed abstracts and a poster session.

The meeting “Fast and Robust Quantum Chemistry” will take place at the Friedrich Schiller University of Jena, Germany, in the “Rosensäle” located in Fürstengraben 27. This is one of the historical, recently nicely renovated buildings you find throughout the heart of Jena city.

There is no registration fee for the meeting. The number of participants is limited. Registration will be closed once the limit is reached.

Please visit for more information and registration.

The  deadline for the abstract submission is 30.06.2018