TURBOMOLE Modules > Mpgrad and Rimp2

Structure Optimization employing rijk (HF) and rimp2

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I want to optimize a structure employing the rijk-approximation for the HF-part as well as the rimp2 approach. Employing jobex does not work. I receive the following error message:

--- Quote ---Program dscf can not use the RI-J approximation.
Please either use the ridft program or delete the option $rij
from your control file.
--- End quote ---
I used the following command to start the calculation:

--- Quote ---nohup jobex -level mp2 -ri -c 5 -gcart 4 &
--- End quote ---
The following seems to work:
1. starting ridft
2. starting rimp2
3. starting relax
4. restart with 1.
Which flag must be used to employ the jobex script?

Regards, Sefan



unfortunately jobex is not able to differ the RI of RI-MP2 from the RI of RI-DFT (which is RI-J).

That is a bit unfortunate, but quite easy to circumvent:

--- Code: ---export dscf=ridft
jobex -ri -level mp2 [...]
unset dscf
--- End code ---

should work.

The unset dscf line is necessary to avoid problems with non-RI-MP2 calculations in the same shell after the job, since a usual Hartree-Fock geometry optimization would also use ridft instead of dscf otherwise.

The same trick can also be used for RI-CC2 or RI-MP2 calculations with the ricc2 program (jobex -level cc2) together with RI-JK.



Thank you.

Regards, Stefan


here is a little outlook for this problem.

In the next version it will be possible to perfom RI-SCF based geometry optimizations 
with the jobex-script, routinely. Using the rijk-approximation for the HF-part and the CPHF-part
in MP2 or CC2 gradient calculations. The ridft and ricc2 programs will be used and everything
can be prepared in define.



the optimization 'by hand'  or the trick described by Uwe are work arounds for the time being, but note:
The gradients which rimp2 and/or ricc2 compute will in that case be those for conventional (i.e. non-RI) SCF+
RI-MP2 energy and do not fit 100% to the computed total energy. Probably in most cases, this will not be
a serious problem, but you should be aware that you can't use tight convergence threshold for jobex in that


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