TURBOMOLE Modules > Treatment of Solvation Effects with COSMO

Diffuse basis sets with COSMO model


Dear Turbomole Developers and Users,

I was wondering if it makes sense to use a basis set augmented with diffuse functions in an MP2/ADC(2) calculation using COSMO. My guess is yes, provided that the reaction field is not being equilibrated with an electronic state with a pronounced diffuse character, for example, a Rydberg-type π3s state of an organic molecule.

The reason I would like to know this is that I performed some gas-phase calculations for a fluorescent molecule which has several low-lying excited states, among them a π3s-type state. I used the MP2/ADC(2)/aug-cc-pVDZ level of theory. I would like to know how equilibrium solvation stabilizes the emissive (ππ*-type) electronic state relative to the ground state and the other electronic states. For the sake of consistency with the gas phase calculations, I would like to keep using the aug-cc-pVDZ basis set if possible.

Thank you for any advice and suggestions,

Michal Kochman

Postdoctoral researcher
Max Planck Institute for the Structure and Dynamics of Matter (MPSD)
Hamburg, Germany


in principle, any basis set can be used with COSMO.
Diffuse functions might lead to larger values for the outlying charge correction. But other errors should be larger.




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